Unplugged: for Victims who want to survive
CourseTrauma can come in many forms. From a single event that changed your life forever to repeated experiences of neglect or abuse. You are more than what happened to you and this course will help you move forward.
Moving from Survivor to Striving for a better life.
CourseWe are happy to join you in this journey from good to better to best! This course will focus on essential thoughts, feelings, and actions necessary for personal growth.
How Strivers become Overcomers!
CourseIt's time to put yourself first. Stepping into something new can be scary, but we have prepared the way for you.
Overcomers Shining Bright!
CourseYou have done the work to get here, and now it is time to reap the rewards.
I'm Thriving, but I still want more.
CourseThriving means you have done the work to progress from victim to overcome. You are now in a place where you can use your story to illuminate the way for others. At the end of this course, I will make you an offer to join my team.